Plant Your Own Avocado Tree

If you love spreading tasty avocados on toast, mixing with salads, or just whipping up some homemade guacamole, then you might want to HENMI Avocado Planting Bowl a try which allows you to grow your own avocade with one single avocado pit.

Pick a fresh, ripe crocodile kernel and float it in a avocado planting bowl filled with water. Pay attention to the place where the room is warm but not exposed to direct sunlight. Keep the clean water changed once a week. When the avocado buds grow to a height of about 26cm and grow fresh leaves, you can transplant the avocado into the soil.

It takes about 3-12 weeks to crack and germinate. Patience is a must.

Price: 16.99 USD (on Sale 9.99 USD)

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Price: 16.99 USD (on Sale 9.99 USD)

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